BTAC was established as a Registered Native Title Body Corporate (RNTBC), more commonly known as a PBC (Prescribed Bodies Corporate), for the Thalanyji People. We are entrusted to look after the Thalanyji People’s rights and interests.
Our team’s focus is on managing the native title of Thalanyji People and enabling support for members in the areas of social, economic and cultural development.
How it all fits together
BTAC works with numerous other groups, organisations, industry representatives and government bodies, to represent and support Thalanyji People.
As an RNTBC, we help Thalanyji native title holders speak to government and other parties that have an interest in undertaking any type of activity on native title land. We act as a bridge for traditional owners to deal with the non-Indigenous legal system.
BTAC also work closely with the Thalanyji Advisory Council (TAC) as equal partners moving towards a shared vision for Thalanyji People. Our joint strategic plan outlines our priorities, desired outcomes, key actions and responsibilities, and is guided by the vision and wisdom of Thalanyji People.
The Thalanyji Advisory Council (TAC) works with the Trustee, Perpetual Limited, to ensure that Thalanyji Trusts deliver opportunities that are in the best interests of Thalanyji People and align with our joint strategic plan. Thalanyji Trusts were established in 2011 to hold, manage and distribute funds for the benefit of Thalanyji People.
Thalanyji People have access to support and assistance through BTAC or Perpetual programs. To find out more about available support programs, click here.