BTAC and the Thalanyji Advisory Council (TAC) are committed to working together as equal partners to deliver on our vision, through a relationship of trust, reciprocity and accountability. Together, we developed a joint strategic plan for 2021 to 2024, informed through multiple forums of member consultation in Onslow, and discussions with partners. The result captures the shared priorities, desired outcomes, key actions and responsibilities of Thalanyji Group, and is guided by the vision and wisdom of Thalanyji people.
You can download a copy or read on for a more concise summary.
Thalanyji People dream of a future where our identity remains strong, we are increasingly self-reliant and in charge of our own destiny, and we can all lead secure and comfortable lives.
Manage the native title of Thalanyji People and enable the social, economic and cultural development of BTAC members.
We commit to abiding by the Thalanyji values in delivering this strategic plan. They are the core guiding principles to bring our vision and purpose to life.
Thalanyji Group will work together to achieve four strategic objectives during 2021-2024. The central objective is strong Country and culture, which enables self-determination and autonomy. Delivering on these objectives creates a platform for improved health, wellbeing and security and empowerment and opportunity.
Strong organisational performance will drive strategic delivery. To successfully deliver our strategic plan, we will demonstrate five key organisational capabilities: good governance and leadership; strong organisational performance; accountable financial management; real partnership and relationships, and, across it all, cultural respect and practice.
© 2021 Buurabalayji Thalanyji Aboriginal Corporation
We acknowledge the Thalanyji People and the Whadjuk Noongar People as the traditional custodians of the lands on which we operate. We recognise their continued connection to land, waters and culture, and that sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to our and their Elders past, present and future, and extend that respect to all First Nations people across the nation.